
More information about CAnMove and the research activities within the programme can be found at:


onsdag 15 oktober 2014

Minisymposium 6 nov: “Genomics and adaptations in diverging populations” and Thesis defence 7th of November

Thursday 6 November 2014 

Location: Red lecture hall, Ecology Building 
14: 00-14: 30 Allison Shultz, Harvard University, USA 
Phylogeography and genomic signatures of pathogen-mediated selection using genome-wide diachronic comparisons in the House Finch (Haemorhous mexicanus) 
14: 40-15: 10 CAnMove seminar by Kristen Ruegg, University of California, Santa Cruz & Los Angeles. Lessons from population genomics on the Causes and Consequences of migratory connectivity 
15: 20-15: 40 Coffee 
15: 40-16: 10 Bill Cresco, University of Oregon, USA 
Deep genome architecture influences Recent three pine Stickleback evolution 
16: 20-16: 50 Kerstin Johannesson, University of Gothenburg, Sweden 
Parallel evolution of snail phenotypes - To What Extent Does molecular evolution repeat itself? 

Friday 7 November 2014 

Location: Blue Lecture Hall, Ecology Building 
09: 30-12: 00 Thesis defense by Max Lundberg, opponent Bill Cresco 
Genomic analyzes of migratory divides in the willow warbler

Photo: Andreas Trepte

fredag 10 oktober 2014

Introduction Course for Using Databases , 3 – 7 of November 2014

Geneco will together with CAnMove and PlantLink give a one-week introduction using databases for data mining and storage on 3-7 of November. While the databases can store many different types of data, the examples will be focused on genomics and transcriptomics data and how to efficiently combine results from such large datasets.


No previous knowledge of databases is required, but a basic understanding of genomics and/or transcriptomics data is preferable.


The week will cover lectures in the morning followed by exercises and will cover the following topics:

1. Introduction to the course book.

2. Relational databases and simple queries (SQL).

3. Introduction to biological databases

4. Creating and populating your own database

5. Advanced SQL queries

6. Database design


Possibly we will finish there course by discussing how to create databases for individual projects.

The course will be held at Lund University, Ecology Building.



Sign up for the course by emailing me: dag.ahren@biol.lu.se


Deadline for applying to the course is 20 October.

tisdag 7 oktober 2014

Bio-logging in Strasbourg

A rather big group of CAnMovians took part in the 5th Bio-logging Science Symposium, 22-26 September in Strasbourg, France. Susanne Åkesson had a talk about the Common swift studies and Tom Evans (Lesser black-backed gull foraging flight), Jannie Linnebjerg (Brünnich’s guillemot migration) and Götz Eichhorn (Lapwings with geolocators) contributed to the poster sessions. Andreas Nord and Fredrik Andreasson, new PhD student affiliated to CAnMove, dived into the field of body-temperature measurements, (Andreas even co-arranged a workshop on this subject). Johan Bäckman and Arne Andersson from the tech lab sneaked around among the 400 participants and 15 commercial exhibitors to try to figure out what the next innovation in bio-logger design will be.
The bio-logging symposium started off as a meeting ground for marine animal scientists, and the majority of the contributions are still within the field of whales, sharks and seals; animals that can carry huge amounts of sensors without getting problems with over-weight, a luxury situation compared to many of the projects in CAnMove.
There is a strong trend towards using accelerometers on all sorts of animals, either as a proxy for energy expenditure (the acronyms ODBA & VeDBA were heard at numerous occasions) or for monitoring behavior (often in conjunction with other types of sensors such as depth meters and gyroscopes). It seems like many researchers are working hard to designing accurate analysis tools for this kind of data. We will probably have to wait a little longer before good tools for general use are available.
Argos satellite telemetry is still the major backbone for transferring data from the animals to the researchers, although there are some alternatives coming up (e.g. using the mobile phone network).
We also learned that Strasbourg is a charming city and the traditional Alsatian dish Choucroute Garnie is nice but very filling!
//Arne Andersson

fredag 3 oktober 2014

Mis-match between chironomid movement to the surface and waterfowl reproduction

Photo by Mattias Ekvall
In a recent issue of ESA´s (Ecological Society of America) open access journal ECOSPHERE http://www.esajournals.org/doi/pdf/10.1890/ES14-00133.1
we report that the emergence and movement of chironomids from the sediment of lakes to the surface occurs earlier and in one strong boost in a future climate scenario. Historically the emergence rate of chironomids (Fjädermyggor; see photo) has occurred over a period of more than a month each spring and has thereby served as a food source for waterfowl chicks, which are completely dependent on this resource. We also show that the fundamental change in timing and maximum rate of emergence of chironomids will likely lead to that waterfowl will not be able to adjust their breeding season to match the future scenario of insect emergence, resulting in a mis-match in consumer-resource relations. Likely this will lead to a considerable reduction in waterfowl abundance and biodiversity in a future climate change scenario. /Lars-Anders Hansson et al.